
HnP’s Visit to Autohaus RWB Thailand // Video

While visiting Bangkok for the Auto Salon last June, we also took the time to pay Autohaus RWB a visit. Also known as RWB Thailand, Chin the owner welcomed us to capture these wonderful machines that Mr Nakai-San himself has personally built. Nakai-San is the founder of RWB Japan, and Autohaus RWB Thailand was the first out-of-Japan workshop that he’s been working with (currently there’ve been several RWB workshops worldwide). Nakai-San would fly over from Japan to Thailand and hand-finish the bodyworks of these Porsche’s himself. Minimum fender gaps, aggressive body lines, all precisely built while attaining zero-tire-rub status. Now that’s a duet of art and engineering that can only performed by someone like Nakai-San! I’ll talk more about the workshop later in our photo coverage. Enjoy the video for now!