
Abt2011p3 04

Final Battle Autoblackthrough 2011 // Part 3

Hellow hawk’n’pokers! Kami kembali dengan Part 3, dengan lebih banyak lagi liputan dari Final Battle Autoblackthrough 2011 ini. Bagi yang belum cek artikel sebelumnya, silahkan visit:
Part 1 →
Part 2 →

Pada Part 3 ini hawk’n’poke menampilkan mobil dengan style yang agak extreme, aggresive, berani berbeda, dan cukup controversial. So, we’ll just leave it to our readers to decide what would you think of them!

Brown has never been the preferred color to attract attention – it’s often thought as dull and old. Tapi Jazz satu ini tampaknya berhasil menarik perhatian dengan warna ini.

Kedua Honda diatas berasal dari Simple Qommunity. Well, you may call them “Simple”, tetapi kedua mobil diatas have been heavily modified with very delicate race-inspired modifications.

Concept car SV-1 dari Connection Community. This is a concept car that cares about the environment. Dalam kendaraan ini terbenam electric engine yang memperoleh daya dari solar panel and lithium ion battery!

Hella…flush! Hella…flush! Hella…flush! That explains all, really. 😀

Ditengah-tengah kerumunan modern cars, ada Hotrod berbasis Holden Torana 1974!

Love it, or hate it. This is one of those cars. Love the fitment? Hate the color? Well, we’ll leave it to you on what to think of it.

Beberapa mobil Forza GT3 juga turut tampil di ABT 2011 ini!

GranTurismo MC Stradale. Inspired by race cars; built for the road.

Itulah semua liputan tim hawk’n’poke untuk event Final Battle Autoblackthrough 2011 ini. Seperti diketahui, tahun ini sangat beragam para partisipannya, semakin banyak exotics and stanced cars!
Tunggu liputan event selanjutnya dari hawk’n’poke! Accelera Autocontest here we come!

Additional Infos

About Photographer – Charles J: “Right now I’m freelancing as an automotive photographer, interested only in cars photography. I would like to shoot my dream car, a GC8 Subaru STI in future. For photography services please contact me jhons.charles[at]gmail[dot]com”