

Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2016’

Beclasshre 03

Benz in Black // E Class on HRE

You have to admit, the ‘Men in Black’ movies surely got some taste. In the first movie, the duo drove a memorably high-tech Ford Crown Victoria, which was transformed into a jet-powered ride through the push of a button. Driven upside down in a tunnel and blasted through traffic like a bullet train, it was definitely a fresh-factor to its …

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M4brixton 02

Evolution of an Icon // BMW M4 on Brixton Forged

In life, progression towards a better future is a must; standing-still has never been the better option. Whether it’d be for personal achievements or world-wide interests, the pursue for a brighter destiny can never be denied. Sure, there’ll be plenty of obstacles along the way; but aren’t these obstacles the exact things that evolve us up instead? Take a look …

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Frozenm3zito 01

Stunner Shade // Frozen Grey M3 on Zito Wheels

When a grey coloured car comes into view, one would most often than not perceive it as bleak and dull, considering that it stands right in the middle of the spectrum; that is, neither black nor white. Not having the ‘purity’/clean-look of a white, nor reflecting the ‘mysterious’/coolness aura of a black either. Like an overcast sky projecting uncertainties and …

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